Kaernterstrasse BIPA
Thermal refurbishment (with Passive House components)
The BIPA store saves 74 % of the necessary heating power due to the thermal refurbishment. Efficiency improvement reduced the power consumption by 35 % and the total lightning concept was revised. Not only the lightening on the sales area, also the furniture of the shop and its lightening was redesigned and developed.
Adress: A-1010 Wien Kärntnerstraße 1-3
Completion: Opening 10. 11. 2009 with Federal Minister Nikolaus Berlakovich
Client: BIPA Parfümerien GmbH
Architecture: limit architects
Building Physics: Schöberl & Pöll GmbH
Additional information:
The presentation of the annual programme of the climate and energy fond was held on the 10th of March in 2010. Owner representatives, Federal Minister of Infastructure - Doris Bures (BMVIT), Federal Minister of Environment - Nikolaus Berlakovich (BMFLUW) and the CEOs of the fond - Theresia Vogel and Ingmar Höbarth presented the funding priorities. At the presentation the BIPA shop at Kaerntnerstrasse was specifically mentioned and presented as a demonstration shop for further green stores.
Clip about the BIPA refurbishment