Bmst. DI Helmut Schöberl


established Schöberl & Pöll GmbH in 1996 and expanded it to one of the biggest building physics offices in Austria.

Deputy President of the Austrian Standards Institute Committee ON-K 175 Thermal performance of buildings and building components, Member of the Austrian Standards Institute Committee ON-K 141 HVAC and ON-K 235 Economical Energy Use in Buildings, Participation in the Contact forum on the revision of the OIB Guidelines, Provides lectures in Austria (lecturer on the energy-efficient construction at the University of Applied Science FH Campus, Wien) and abroad, e.g. at the European Forum Alpbach and at international passive house conferences.  April 2000 - April 2005  - technical expert for the International Energy Agency (IEA) SHC Task 28: Substainable Solar Housing. Chairman of the Refurbishment Quality Platform.

Helmut Schöberl has six children.